(A - K)
Turkish Pop Music :
Turkish pop music had its humble beginnings in the late 1950s with Turkish cover versions of a wide range of
imported popular styles, including rock and roll, tango, and jazz. This wide collection of songs were
labelled as "Hafif-batı" (light western) music and included a wide range of artists, such as Frank Sinatra
to Doris Day, Nat King Cole to the Everly Brothers, from Elvis Presley to Paul Anka.
Turkish artists began to produce English language cover versions of these songs and write their own too,
and the first original song of this type is credited to Erol Büyükburç in 1958 for his song "Little Lucy",
which was released as a 10-inch single known as a taş plak...
Turkish pop music is now everywhere, whether it's the latest from Tarkan, female singer/songwriter Sezen Aksu,
or the more radical sounds of the Turkish club underground, like Mercan Dede.
Interestingly, the fusion of sounds work so well that Turkish pop music does not sound as
Westernized as Indian or Indonesian pop even though it does include global influences such as
technological developments from the west, western harmonies grafted onto folk songs, influences
from Arabic music and, of course, American-influenced rap and hip-hop from artists such as Erci-E.
| Hasret (Tanju Okan)
| Fabrika Kizi (Alpay)
| Sessiz Gemi (Humeyra)
| Aynalar (Salim Dundar)
| Ispanyol Meyhanesi (Timur Selcuk)
| Sen Gidince (Alpay)
| Unutama Beni (Esmeray)
| Baska Sozum Yok (Nilufer)
| Agliyorum Yine (Nilufer)
| Askimiz Bitti (Dario Moreno)
| Hey Gidi Dunya Hey (Ali Kocatepe)
| Her Yerde Kar Var (Ajda Pekkan)
| Samanyolu (Berkant)
| Bu Ne Dunya Kardesim (Yeliz)
| Hayat Bayram Olsa (Senay)
| Olmaz Boyle Sey (Yesim)
| Bir Baska Sevgiliyi Sevemem (Erol Buyukburc)
| Butun Asklar Tatli Baslar (Beyaz Kelebekler)
| Fenerbahce Marsi (Fenerbahceliler)
| Dostluga Davet (Anadolu Major)
| Yazik Oldu Yarinlara (Ilhan Irem)
| Seninle Bir Dakika (Semiha Yanki)
| Delisin (Cici Kizlar)
| Yarinlar (Ali Riza Binboga)
| Ben Bir Koylu Kiziyim (Ajda Pekkan)
| Sus Sus Sus Kimseler Duymasin (Erol Buyukburc)
70's GREATEST HITS - II (Muzik Dagarcigi - 32kbit/s)
| Cocuklugum (Tanju Okan)
| Deli Etme Beni (Tulay Ozer)
| Eylulde Gel (Alpay)
| Hekimden Sorma (Zerrin Ozer)
| Agliyormusun (Omur Goksel)
| Anlamiyorum (Fusun Onal)
| Gunler Aylar (Aydin Tansel)
| Kan ve Gul (Iskender Dogan)
| Cok Yalvardim (Beyaz Kelebekler)
| Gel Teskere (Esmeray)
| Vies Dans Ma Vie (Ajda Pekkan)
| Atamam Ben Kalbimi (Selcuk Rana Alagoz)
| Dertli Gonul (Ali Kocatepe)
| O Piti Piti (Bilgen Bengu)
| Sirali Daglar (Coskun Demir)
| Olur Olur Bal Gibi Olur (Asum Aralman)
| Bir Dost Bulamadim (Aydin Tansel)
| Tren 8'de Gidiyor (Ersan Erdura)
| Baska Sozum Yok (Nilufer)
| Unutulur (Banu)
| Guzele Bak (Ersen)
| Hersey Seninle Guzel (Zerrin Ozer)
| Yalan Dunya (Behiye Aksoy)
| Gurbet (Ozdemir Erdogan)
| Neden Ayrildik (Tulay Ozer)
| Sev Kardesim (Senay)
| Sana Ne (Ajda Pekkan)